So, today I made a block for Quiltygirl2, who asked us to make blocks in a gentle colour palette of a soft yellow, grey blue, and a hint of a burnt orange, with white. The block should use half square triangles, and we could use them in any way we wished. The starter block was 15.5", but we did not have to make blocks as large as that, unless we wished.
I came up with this block, and then found, as I had now 16 blocks, taking a picture of them all together was very tricky! There are just too many to make a good job of it. So, they ended up on the living room floor, with the sun streaming in through the French window, and making the colours patchy.
I do think all the blocks are promising to 'play nice together' , and I hope she will be happy when she finally gets them home... these have been on their travels since June last year... I wonder, will I remember mine when it gets home?