Sunday, 11 November 2012

mosaic blocks


This ancient oak lurks on One Tree Hill. We went to visit m'boy, for the weekend. Drive down on Friday evening, arriving very late. Poor lad, gave up his bed to us, and slept on the futon in the living room, and I slept really well. Much better than usual. Perhaps it was that 'holiday' feel- no work on Saturday to worry my dreams! And today, we walked over One Tree Hill. Yes, there were loads of trees! Plane, oak, poplar, sycamore- loads and loads of them. But this one is particularly ancient. About 400 years, if I remember right- but I may be making that up...

And late-ish back tonight, but I have obligations, and making some quilt blocks comes into that. Heather has requested that we make a mosaic block, from the tutorial by Oh,Fransson! in rainbow colours, sashed with white. So I have made this one. Heather asked that it be at least 8", and not more than 12", rectangle or square.

I had intended to do a different block, but pale pink is required, and somehow, pale pink has never been a feature in my stash... so the next block along got in!

I shall have to shop for pale pink on my day off. hmmm.


Catherine said...

Sounds like a lovely weekend, love your mosaic block

Di said...

Sounds like it was a good weekend away. Di x

Isisjem said...

Glad you had a nice weekend away.

Collette said...

really want to try one of these blocks ! lovely x

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