Friday, 27 December 2013

Well the break is really over, no 1 son has already headed off back to his flat... and the slightly flat period following Christmas has begun.

so the makes for Christmas?

Ok, no, I did not make a teapot! But someone requested a small teapot. So, a small teapot needs a small teacosy, right?
So someone got this bright green teapot and a cosy to go over it.

But I have more than one person in the house with a love of tea...

So, son got this cosy...

to go with his green teapot

 and daughter no 1 got this teacosy, which goes with a pot she got a while ago,

and daughter no2 got this one, and a purple teapot, to go under it

 Both daughters put in requests for bags with zip tops, so one got this turquoise-y one with orange,

and the other this pretty linen one- of which, of course, I failed to take a finished photo... wouldn't you?

I think they were all happy with their makes!

now, how about a teacosy just for me? I shall think about that too!

So, next week we have a New Year celebration,

and then we put it all away until the next time...

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Sunday, 15 December 2013

too busy to post, to busy to read...

 The Christmas scene at work, organised by my lovely receptionist

These stars are having another outing

as is that snowman, who was made a couple of years ago.

 We finally have united this block with its fellows.....

for more round the world rainbows.

I am very sorry I am sewing and working like a mad thing, and am struggling for time for anything!

I will catch up when I have a minute!

Oh, but, hey, just admire my girl, who has been awarded her brown belt!  (mmm, and lopsided bow, but we shall ignore that!)

Wednesday, 4 December 2013


Ok, a quick and easy supper was required. For two. My friend was round, and we wanted supper. Like ten minutes ago.

First thing- put that water on to boil. Then chop onion, leek and orange pepper, sweat these in olive oil, pasta goes into boiling water, some chilli flakes into that mix, and a squirt of tomato puree, and a tin of sliced black olives which were lurking in the cupboard.
When the beeper went off, pasta was drained and mixed into the veggie mixture. Handful of pine nuts, and some grated cheese.

If I had had them in, I might have added mushrooms, or sun dried tomatoes. I didn't, so, I didn't..anyway..

Delicious supper in 15 minutes flat.

You did know I like my food?

Sunday, 1 December 2013

You put your Right leg in...

Sorry, I have not been posting of late. Various reasons, including not a lot to say, but there is a reason for that. I hurt my back. No sympathy needed, it is getting better, and I am fine.  The title above came from me trying to have a shower. The shower is over the bath, and you get in one leg at a time. Of course. So, there I am, in my scuddies, getting into that bath. I put my Right leg in. Then, I realised that I could get no further. My Left leg just was not going to follow. So there is me, standing Left foot on the bathroom floor and Right foot in the bath. Going nowhere. It took a bit to work out that actually I could get that Right leg out again, and I could climb in by going Left leg first! Yes, getting out was also interesting...though I am sure my husband would have helped if I had shouted loud enough!

So, I am clean and ( reasonably) sweet smelling to go to work. And things have got a lot better since. Who even thought about which leg goes first?

How did I do the damage? That is a complete mystery. If you know me, you will know I am fairly flexible, and have always been happy sitting on the floor. So, on that day, I was sitting on the floor, and I did nothing to cause any problems. I did not bend, stretch, twist or reach, but I felt something 'go'. And there I was in agony. I did not drive for 5 days. Poor old husband had to get up and take me to work! Thank goodness I usually use Volk rather than ophthalmoscope.

So I have been doing hand work, rather than machine, and have been getting on with Christmas cards. Making crochet snowflakes. Do you know Attic 24? She has a lovely sense of colour, and makes lovely crochet things.
And the crochet snowflakes will come off the card and be tree decorations. Neat?

A little sneaky peek at what is happening!

Now, you may remember I took part in a box swap? Christmas box and filling of sweeties?  Well, the box I eventually sent was

 This one,

 and these goodies went into it,

yes, all of them, and some fabric just to pack it out a bit, you know! stop stuff from moving about too much..

Yes, well we do not want anyone feeling a chocolate shortage...

but in return, I got a mahoosive package!

and a really cute grey and floral box to go with it. I think my partner had taken it as a challenge- see what else I can cram in type challenge!  so now, I shall have to enlist some help from my children ( no, my young adults...) to help dispose of these in a seemly fashion! Those red and white candies are minty and not too hard. No teeth to be broken on them- rotted with too much sugar, perhaps, but oh, lovely!
  So a mega thank you to GiQuilts, you really cheered me up!

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

day off

 The Hipbee block for this month was set by Catherine. She chose this very pretty block, called Jared Takes a wife, which had really clear instructions, at Quiltville.

Catherine made it really easy, providing fabric already cut into appropriate strips and squares.

It is, however, quite surprising how easily I can sew two pieces together, intending to make that pointy bit, and get it wrong!

My trusty little seam ripper got rather more exercise than I would have preferred.

In fact one of those little pointy numbers was taken apart 3 times...

I can't wait to see what the other colourways are!

We are coming towards the end of our round the world trip  quilt and there are only a few more blocks to go. The last but one for me is entitled ' Twelve bar blues' . An all blue 12.5" unfinished block is requested, so I came up with this, 

Again, this is the result of fiddling about with a piece of paper, whilst watching television. But, I think it fits the brief. And then, as I had nothing better to do ( cough, cough) I just felt like making the next one. 

Those three dimensional blocks are so addictive....

Friday, 1 November 2013

So the next block for travelling the world is one which should end up in Switzerland. 
Ursi wanted neutral blocks with a 'pop' of colour. 
The size she asked for was unusual, 13" unfinished. So that adds up to 12.5" finished size. Which just neatly divides by 5, giving  rows and columns of 2.5" each, ( plus seam allowance, 3" each) 

So I sat down and watched a bit of television with a notepad on my knee, and scribbled 5 by 5 squares, and doodled in them. 
An hour later I had decided to put in some flying geese, and a small square in the centre, to give my pop. 
This may be  a block someone else has designed previously, but even if it is, I made it up my own self, so it is my block. 
And it looks fine with all its friends..

Friday, 25 October 2013

postal surprises..

Who can sew curves, really beautifully? And make a gorgeous mini quilt, with such lovely curved seams, all lying as flat as they should? and then quilt the curves with a lovely modern style, following the curves and really making an item to love? 

And then post that off to a friend, who has not got a clue that it is heading her way! to that friend, as an unexpected surprise!

I can tell you who! it is a lovely lady blogging over at Mail from the Cheeky Monkeys

I can tell you who was shocked and delighted too!


I was so pleased to receive this wonderful gift! I remember commenting on the blog post where my lovely friend showed this little piece of art, and I remember thinking, someone would be very lucky when it popped through their door- but I did not expect to be the lucky one!

The block she has done here is the mango block, which can be found at a quilters table- another lovely blog which is worth looking in at!

So, what has been lovely in your life today? 

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Catching up!

What would you understand given the instruction, 'Gelati colours' ?

This was the colour instruction for these blocks. 14", an unusual size, and this 'gelati'  word. On white.

To me, gelati is icecream, and the colours would be creamy, soft shades, but the starter block was in rich greens and blues. So, I thought I should wait and get my sticky paws on it to see what the colours were really like, before I added my mite.
The starter is that one, third row down, and second from the left, a pretty Dresden plate.

So, this is my one. I think it works from the point of view of the colours, I just have a blind spot which says, this is not icecream..But it will be a wonderful vibrant quilt, when it finally gets home.

making that block?   Ok, I winged it... I started with the centre, and just added until I reached a sensible size, and then, stopped. And added that white border.

Ok, let's try to get parcels in the post! Soon.

Saturday, 19 October 2013

little boxes

 Have you seen this fabric box? the tutorial is available here.

Of course, I cannot just follow instructions, so the corners have been stitched slightly differently, to give these little pockets, which I think are cute!

I already had these pretty snowflake buttons, which were perfect for the little project.

This, or another one very like it, is off to a mystery partner, to be filled with sweeties first, for the Lazy Bums Secret Christmas Swap.
Now, I wonder who might get it?
If they do not like the fabrics, they had better speak up!

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Green ducks- done!

 Well, you knew there was more to come, didn't you?
So, some place mats,  reversible, of course...

 Three edged in black, and three in green...

and some coasters,, again all individual, and different from one another
And the whole set. I just do not know what else I might have added!

Statistics, for those of you who are so minded.
I was supplied with 1m each of
the lovely ducks
the pretty stripe
Green cotton
Black cotton

I supplied my own calico and some muslin, as well as the cotton wadding and the insulbright to complete the project.

I do have some of each of these fabrics left over for future projects. It was lovely quality and just thinking about it cheers me up!
I had an absolutely fabulous time doing it as well!

Thank you for my gorgeous fabric, Terry's!

Wednesday, 9 October 2013


 I have started playing with the fabric I received form Terry's, You remember this post?
This is just the first little bit of what I have  planned- but I am rather pleased with the result!
 Stuffed with a teapot, it looks rather smart, I think!
 and I made the outer layer long enough to turn over the edges and use as a self binding!

Next I wanted to make oven gloves. So, I looked at the ones I have. And measured them, and thought about possible improvements. Not many improvements spring to mind. An oven glove is an oven glove, really.

And with the help of a couple of ducks...

We now have fun ducky oven gloves.

These have been followed by a table runner. Nicely sandwiched with heat resistant wadding, so pots can go straight on top, on the table.

I love these co-ordinating kitchen bits. It has just taken me a little longer to get to them, than I had thought!

The next pieces are planned!  soon, very soon...Just wait and see...

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Poor show- September sewing!

 Belated block for Fi, in the stash bee. She chose pretty pretty fabric...

And officially September blocks for Sarah
 And a block to go off to the other side of the world, after a few more stopovers,

and playing nicely with it's friends..

And between moving children, and going on holiday- and having visitors, that is about all that happened in September!

Linking with fresh sewing day- despite such a poor collection!
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