I joined the Lazy Bums Finishing School in the hope that the very accomplished Teachers would assist me in completing some work.
And, with a few threats of dire consequences, and a few carrots, and encouraging words, I did indeed turn a UFO into an ..... Oh, dear, I do not think I can write that.... Thinking hard, Perhaps I can say, a Completed Project!
assembled themselves, months ago, into, well, nearly a quilt top.
Then were put away as other, more urgent tasks came to hand, until, this month, they became my challenge for August!
And, fully confident, I got it out. And found I was quite a bit short of a top.I had some fabric, but not, in all truth, the
right shaped pieces of fabric for completing the top. Let alone, finishing the quilt.
I am a wangler. I will shift things around, and change things a bit, until I get what I have to do what I want, I might add a bit of something else, here, or there, to make it work.
However, on this occasion, I had no need to wangle. Some strange Angel, or fairy Godmother came along and, Hey Presto! through the post, came a parcel... with not only the required Kona Butterscotch, but some extra remnants of gorgeous purple and hot pink Kona, too.
with a sweetie taped to the back of the delivery note...??

So, no wangling required, and between yesterday and today,
I pinned top to fleece for backing...

and quilted and bound my Salt Air very simple top. I love those 8 pointed stars which appear!
Those middle squares are made from the HST squares left over when I made the blocks..
I machine bound the quilt, and was quite pleased with how the corners worked..
Starched the whatever out of that binding strip before I started! It really helps.
So, I can officially tell you, Lazy Bums Finishing School does work!
Want to join?
go see
these people .
They can help!
Thank You Angel- You know who you are!
If you really want to know...
Materials used
Kona Butterscotch, approx 3m
Salt Air, one Charm pack.
Fleece- 1 piece, as bought by weight...
finished size, 60" by 49"